Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

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[travel] Like desperadoes waiting for a plane

lasirenadolce, kenscholes and I left Saratoga Springs around 9:30 this morning. There were several brief outbreaks of photography, and a last goodbye with cemurphy and the admirable Ted, then a long run over the Hudson River valley and through the Berkshires. I had a brief learning experience with John Law, thanks to some inattentiveness on my part. I will be sending my tuition payment into the state of Massachusetts once I'm home.

We had lunch at a fifties themed diner in Windsor Locks, dropped kenscholes off at his terminal, and now are waiting for our flight. More photos and other such later this week as time permits. I'll be spending the flight time home working on my various to-do lists. It was an awesome WFC.

How was your weekend?
Tags: conventions, new york, travel

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