Alien Impact Poisons Canadian Town — "This is could be the first time a meteor impact has been tied to a modern health threat, say the geologists who made the discovery."
Lower Case Initialisms — Language neepery which might of special interest to copy editors.
Farmers are always unhappy — Shays' Rebellion, a part of the history of American dissent.
John McCain secretly funded by George Soros — Man, I love conservatives. Liberal whackjobs haunt coffeehouses and write newsletters. Conservative whackjobs are front page news with an audience of millions — bread and circuses!
Scientists find a way to use ordinary silicon to convert minimal heat to electricity — Oddly, I just wrote a short story where this kind of thing figured fairly prominently.
My friend daveraines asks about the internal narrative of atheists — Interesting question, coming from a bona fide pastor and all around nice guy. If you bounce over there and comment, be polite. He is.