Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

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[links] Link salad, jumbo shrimp edition


jeffvandermeer has a contest — Tell your weirdest real life story and win books. Lots of books.

John Klima talks about his Hugo preliminary ballot

stu_segal talks about his Hugo preliminary ballot

scalzi with some very sound business advice for writers

tbclone47 with a reminder about the upcoming Rainforest Writers Village — Where I will be both pro'ing and cooking. Possibly with cheese. If you find that sort of thing interesting, there's a few slots still open. Last year I walked on water!

NASA with a name-that-satellite contest — Someone from Fandom or Prodom has to be able to nail this.


Pronouns verb forms and the law — Helpful tips (!) from Language Log if you are ever interviewed by the Feds.

With Power Comes a Selfish Point of View — File this as a man bites dog story. How many times have you sent a decent co-worker get promoted, then turn into a classic manic-depressive-asshole-in-charge? Still, an interesting analysis.

The flying French whale — Zut alors! Le zeppelin blanc!

Get Fuzzy goes Swedish

Abnormal Photography — Here's a time killer...funny stuff.


'Flesh-eating' amphibians filmed — The aliens among us. (Thanks to GS.)

Lemurs r us — Short video of a lemur doing the lower primate equivalent of a spit take. Paging frankwu. (Thanks to lt260.)


Obama wins a Grammy — Beats out (Bill) Clinton and Jimmy Carter. He's the new Reagan!

mdf356 with an RNC fund raising letter — More evidence for the GOP's "Hillary strategy" that I keep talking about. (Thanks to goulo.)

Bush orders clampdown on flights to US — It won't do much about terrorism, but it will certainly cut down on business travel and tourism from Europe to the US. Which given how conservatives feel about Europe may in fact be the point. But I don't want to be a part of the New Isolationaism. (Thanks to my aunt M.)

Glenn Greenwald on Bush's recent Fox News interview with Chris Wallace — "Both Wallace and Gannon -- with the opportunity to question the U.S. President -- basically asked: "Mr. President, how do you handle so well the fact that your political opponents are so crazy, malicious and anti-American"?" (Thanks to my aunt M.)

GOP funny business in Washington state — The state GOP chair stopped the vote count and declared Washington for McCain while the uncounted votes outstanding far exceeded the margin of error in the decision. Mmm, I love that good government scent the Republican party brings to everything. Ethics r them!

Time in saddle: 15 minutes at varying speeds (working my may back to 30 minutes due to knees being NSF Friday and Saturday)
Last night's weigh-out: 274.8
This morning's weigh-in: 271.8
Currently reading: The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image, by Leonard Shlain Powell's | Amazon ]
Tags: culture, funny, links, personal, politics, writing

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