This is the voting poll for the caption contest here. Commenters were challenged to coin a snappy caption for this charming candid photo of me at the Rainforest Writers Village.
Forthwith is the voting poll. Usual rules apply, first prize (after the voting poll) will be an ARC of Escapement [ Amazon ].
I will also invoke judge's discretion and award my last gift card to my personal favorite. The card can be used for two Audible titles, including Mainspring [ Powell's | Amazon | Audible ] or any other title, including Old Man's War, A War of Gifts: An Ender Story or any of the Dune books.
etcet: "Why did I get a room with a) lismantchev and b) an espresso machine? That caffeine buzz is going to wear off sometime, and I don't know how long the chandelier is going to last with her swinging from it like that."
markbourne: Dude, I LOVE that scene in The Godfather where the guy wakes up with the big Jay Lake head in his bed!
mary919: Ceiling cat tells Jay, "Getz outta teh bed!"
jenntheamazon: "Why do those idea lights have to be so close to my head? I might go blind!"
paulcarp: "Most of my bedtime reading is nonfiction. Why, I must've read the Underwriters Laboratory label 1,000 times."
steve_buchheit: Jay Lake makes entreaties to the Book Fairy while double checking his synopsis is under the pillow before going to sleep.
mtrimm1: God, I weish I was sleeping with Mikal again...
robot_scandal: Jay Lake caught in an embarrassing accidental 'upshade' glance. The perv.
jeffvandermeer: "Note to self: My brain is now so large from doing so many simultaneous projects that I really need a crutch to pull my head up off the pillow in the morning."
Ann VanderMeer: Why oh why did I eat that second helping of head cheese???
garyomaha: My ghu. He *does* sleep with his eyes open.
stillnotbored: Can't sleep...can't show writers will eat me...
caryn71: Noticing a large shiny black spider in the lamp just inches from his head, Jay must negotiate his means of escape; throw back covers and jump, or crawl away slowly.