Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

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[writing] So me and a few friends...

Had a nice time this evening at the MHCC Library Week science fiction do. joshenglish sponsored a bunch of us chickens, so we met for dinner beforehand — him, me, the_child, davidlevine, kateyule, camillealexa, and newroticgirl. David Goldman joined us at the library, along with Mrs. joshenglish, one of the librarians and an actual, random audience member. We had a great discussion that ranged quite widely about writing, process and publishing. Then we all went home.

:: yawn ::

In other news, ecbatan seems to have liked "The Fly and Die Ticket".

And finally, I have been vouchsafed a glimpse of the preliminary cover sketch for Green. I am quite impressed with the conception. While I didn't have anything in particular in mind (not that it's up to me in any case), Tor is threatening to outdo themselves on this one. That would be 3-and-0 for the win on my covers from irenegallo and the mighty Tor machine.
Tags: books, cool, green, mainspring, publishing, stories, writing

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