The Future Is Now — Wapo with a sort-of puffy piece on recognizing the future as it happens. Cool stuff. (Thanks to
Technology Review's Top 10 Emerging Technologies — Some interesting near turn futurism for you skiffy types.
Orrin hatches song for McCain campaign — Comment from a young conservative: "the message to attract young people is that liberalism oppresses people, stifles freedom and causes 'pervasive destitution'" Yeah, I can see that. Word up, brah. (I think psychiatrists refer to that sort of thing as projection.)
Conservatives are happier than liberals — Freakonomics is being interesting again.
Experts say sex abstinence program doesn't work — Also, this just in: sun rises in east!
Time in saddle: 0 minutes (30 minute walk instead)
Last night's weigh-out: n/a
This morning's weigh-in: n/a
Currently reading: The Houses of Time by Jamil Nasir [ Powell's | Amazon ]