Last Neanderthals Were Smart, Sophisticated — I guess I need to stop thinking of the Family Research Council and their brethren as Neanderthal Nazis, since that is giving severe discredit to Homo sapiens neanderthalensis.
James Dobson accuses Obama of ‘distorting’ Bible — I can only admire the sheer, staggering chutzpah of that charge coming from Dobson, of all people. The Evangelical notions of the Rapture, the prosperity gospel and many other cherished ideas of theirs are highly distorted from either direct or traditional readings of Biblical text.
James Hansen on global warming — Come on, everyone. Turn up your AM radio and say “la-la-la, I can’t hear you.” It’s worked for the past twenty years, it’s bound to keep working now! (Offer not valid in Midwest flood zones, Southeast Asian typhoon impact areas or any coastal city.)
Time in saddle: 0 minutes (still recovering from surgery)
Last night’s weigh-out: n/a
This morning’s weigh-in: 258.6
Currently reading: The Alchemy of Stone by Ekaterina Sedia [ Amazon ]
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