Don’t forget the voting poll for the Post-Novel Ennui Contest [ | LiveJournal ], here. Vote early, vote often, influence your friends!
The Campbell Award Pin fundraiser is now underway. [ | LiveJournal ] — And yes, I’ll be adding a PayPal link today, thanks to OSFCI.
A Backlash Grows in Bangalore Over Tech Revolution — Interesting take on the costs of globalization.
MILF shoots down US spy plane in Mindanao — World’s greatest headline. (Thanks to danjite.)
Blowback is a bitch — More on the politics of Proposition 8 donors. Money shot: You don’t get to heaven above by trampling someone else’s heaven on earth.
After Obama victory, an outbreak of racial anger — Conservative values in action. ‘Cause I’m pretty damned sure it’s not liberals starting dead pools on Obama and burning crosses.
Ted Stevens may face ouster from GOP Senate caucus — “It’s important for Republicans to show that we are going to demand a high standard of ethics,” Denton said. Nice sentiment, but after the years of the Bush administration, the Permanent Majority and the K Street Project, why bother to start now?
Question of the day: What’s the frequency, Kenneth?
Body movement: 2 hour, 10 minute suburban walk
This morning’s weigh-in: 224.0
Currently reading: Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett
Originally published at You can comment here or there.