Don’t forget the voting poll for the Post-Novel Ennui Contest [ | LiveJournal ], here. Vote early, vote often, influence your friends!
The Campbell Award Pin fundraiser is now underway. [ | LiveJournal ]
Pulp Magazines Struggle to Survive in Wired World — Simon Owens with a PBS article on the state of our field.
Non Sequitur on the rules of writing — Heh, yeah.
Photo Gallery: The World of Trench Warfare in Color — WWI history as you’ve rarely seen it. (Thanks to lt260.)
The Tabulator: 1917 — Shorpy with some seriously retro information technology.
Centauri Dreams with more on exoplanets — This is one of my favorite topics in science right now, in a big way.
Bad Astronomy on the oceans of Mars — Light from a distant sea, reflecting a red sky, showing us our own imaginations. Go, Schiaparelli!
The world has never seen such freezing heat — Scientific errors in global warming data. See the comments section as well. (Thanks to tetar.)
What’s a Christian Worldview? — Helpful hints from Focus on the Family. For example, let’s suppose you have bought the idea that beauty is in the eye of the beholder (secular relative truth) as opposed to beauty as defined by God’s purity and creativity (absolute truth). Wow. That’s a pretty bizarre definition of “truth”. Clearly I am not religious for epistemological reasons, if nothing else. (Thanks to danjite.)
Obama talks about his presidency — Worth the watch-and-listen.
Question of the day: Would you book yourself on a trip to the moon?
Body movement: 80 minute suburban walk
This morning’s weigh-in: n/a
Currently reading: The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade by Herman Melville
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