DailyLit — Books sent to you in daily installments via email or RSS feed. Hmm. Fascinating, Captain. (Thanks to garyomaha.)
Stunning photographs of landmark captured over six-month period — (Thanks to danjite
5 Amazing Blue Holes — Some interesting nature photography of dive sites. (Snurched from Dark Roasted Blend.)
Shorpy with another steam locomotive — Punked!
Why computers and cars make us so unpleasant — Money shot: Vanderbilt reports that people in open-topped cars tend to be nicer and more patient. But not because they're happier, or because they're getting lots of vitamin D they're less insulated than other drivers, less able to pretend that the world isn't there.
The sun at perihelion
Justice Sandra Day OConnor on liberty vs morality — Our obligation is to define the liberty of all, not to mandate our own moral code. That's an awfully weird statement coming from a Republican. Too bad her record as a justice belies this as thoroughly as her party's record at governance does.
?otD: How is the winter of our discontent?
Body movement: 40 minute ride on the stationary bike
This morning's weigh-in: 219.6
Currently reading: The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade by Herman Melville; Norse Code by Greg van Eekhout
Originally published at jlake.com. |