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David B. Coe on point of view — And specifically, among other things, his pronounced distance for omniscient.
Science Fictions False Assumption? — James Wallace Harris on space travel. These days, I am beginning to think the future of manned space travel is Asian. If the Euro-American axis has a role in that future, it will be as a response to Sino-Indian activity in high orbit. (Snurched from Mike Brotherton.)
G.T. Labs - Your Source for Comics About Scientists — (Thanks to
Classic SF book covers — Mmmm.
Centauri Dreams on white dwarfs and asteroids — More cool exoplanetary science.
Jupiter Eclipsing Ganymede — APOD strikes again with another stunning space photo.
Golden Submarine: 1917 — From Shorpy of course. Check out the linestreaming on that reflexpropelled race carriage!
Inventor of the Hawaiian shirt dies — (Thanks to
This Modern World on post-partisan politics — Um, yeah.
Body movement: 40 minute ride on the stationary bike
This morning's weigh-in: 220.6
Currently reading: The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade by Herman Melville
Originally published at jlake.com. |