Lone Star Stories #31 Reviewed — In which very nice things are said about my story "On the Human Plan".
A reader reacts to my short story "The God Clown is Near"
A Jay Lake Shakespeare Festival — This is hilarious.
Plotting way forward on Ice Age Floods Trail — I've visited many of the sites. One of my favorites, though, is the little known Moses Coulee in central Washington State. (Thanks to my Dad.)
Plants 'can recognise themselves'
Millisecond Pulsars for Starship Navigation
Michael Moore on what to do with GM — (Thanks to
?otD: Nothing is better than that, is it?
Body movement: 60 minute trainer time at gym
This morning's weigh-in: 218.6
Currently reading: The Hallowed Hunt by Lois McMaster Bujold; A Long Line of Cells by Lewis Thomas
Originally published at jlake.com. |