Early sketch of an illo for an upcoming story of mine — Cool to see it in this stage. And even more goats!.
Make Your Deadlines! — I dunno, I've never seen them as optional.
Trash robots destroy the planet
Symbolic gestures — The National Park Service, pictograms and you. Good stuff on communication and symbology. (Thanks to willyumtx.)
Treasures found in the Gobi desert — Part of a bloody history, as these things so often are. (Thanks to tetar.)
Chemistry in a cone — Ice cream that doesn't melt, and other weirdness. (Via @colleenlindsay's Twitter feed.)
The Puzzle of the Half-Comet, Half-Asteroid
?otD: Ou est Montreal?
Body movement: n/a (traveling, will be walking for an hour later this morning)
This morning's weigh-in: n/a (traveling)
Currently reading: Eight Skilled Gentlemen by Barry Hughart
Originally published at jlake.com. |