One more pointer back to the SF and religion discussion, which unfolded in two parallel comment threads to some very interesting stuff [ | LiveJournal ] — Followup post here: [ | LiveJournal ]
How I spent three days at Worldcon and never saw Neil Gaiman — I draw your attention to this remark by the Mighty God King: If there is a single definitive Worldcon uniform, it is the Hawaiian shirt. This was most common among pros who had nothing to prove Hahahahah. (Thanks to the_flea_king.)
Red Meat touches on our SFnal world — And possibly other parts of our world...
Airships and Tentacles — Dark Roasted Blend interviews artist Myke Amend.
Won Park's Money Origami — The koi is pretty damned amazing, but also check out the Millenium Falcon.
Meteorite Found on Mars Yields Clues About Planet's Past — Cool! (Snurched from
Aspirin Seen Aiding Colorectal Cancer Patients — This is ironic to me, because I'm basically off aspirin for life, as my colorectal cancer originally presented through an internal hemorrhage.
New Rule: Not Everything in America Has to Make a Profit — Bill Maher explains Communism (and pre-Reaganite America) for you. (Thanks to willyumtx.) snarks on the current debate
?otD: Why do they call it hump day?
Body movement: n/a (continued post conventioneering oversleeping)
This morning's weigh-in: n/a (see above)
Currently reading: Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
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