Literary map of San Francisco — From Strange Maps.
An old ad for PT Barnum's circus — Buried deep in the text is a reference to "Comic automaton clowns", which is a story title if I've ever heard one. The whole thing is very strange, in a fun way. (Note, link goes to a .pdf download.)
'You lie!' yeller Rep. Joe Wilson tells truth about GOPers' fringe — The real problem is that 'fringe' is the core of the GOP, not some weird edge.
?otD: How many parts of speech can the word 'clown' be used as?
Body movement: 15 minutes of stretching and meditation, 60 minute suburban walk
Hours slept: 6.0
This morning's weigh-in: 228.0
Currently reading: The Real Wizard of Oz by Rebecca Loncraine
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