catrambo reports on the reading tonight here in Portland — I've dropped the ball on promoting this, but 6:30 pm at the Press Club in SE Portland, with jeffvandermeer, catrambo, tattoo artist-turned-author Jeff Johnson and my own bad self.
Goth scuplture — In an earlier sense of the term. Cool stuff. (Thanks to willyumtx.)
Sketching the Mechanical Elephant — No, that is not a euphemism.
England's Ancient Ridgeway Trail — Mmm. Want to go. Someone want to invite me to a UK Con as GoH so I can do this stuff?
Dark Red Spot Found on Kuiper Belt Object Haumae — Wow.
Anonymous Doc on the divergent experiences of patients and doctors
Media bias in the Washington Post op-ed page — Liberal media much? I like his phrasing, one of those outlets typically counted as part of the "Liberal Media" by right-wing self-victimizers and their media amplifiers.
?otD: Would 'Thorax' be a great name for a villain or what?
Body movement: 60 minute suburban walk
Hours slept: 6.0
This morning's weigh-in: n/a (forgot)
Currently reading: The Jade Man's Skin by Daniel Fox