Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[cancer] Monday update, and miscellaneous other things

Big day today. calendula_witch and I are off to the hospital shortly for a chest x-ray, followed by a post-operative consultation with the thoracic surgery team. Insofar as I can tell, my recovery is going quite well, but the fluid build-up in my chest continues to be a significant irritation. Right now my chest hurts anew. Yesterday the fluid there found new channels, including one reaching my sternum. To be discussed. I'm also hoping for a return-to-work authorization for 12/14, or possibly even late this week. I'm getting bored enough to miss that, though I'm not ready for it just yet.

After that we see the oncologist to review the pathology reports and prescribe the chemo. Current expectation is that the port will be installed in my chest about a week before Christmas, and that we'll commence the infusion process in early January. When I have confirmed details, I'll lay this out. Frankly, this terrifies me. More to come on all fronts.

Once we're done there, we'll pop downtown and pick up shelly_rae at the train station. Then we'll be planning my next month or so, and locking down life under chemo. At this point, I assume I'll be cancelling all travel, including convention and workshop appearances, through June, but I'd love to be wrong. The only open question is whether the_child and I can still go to California over Christmas.

calendula_witch heads back to San Francisco tomorrow, barring some extremely unusual developments. (ie, something weird popping up in today's oncology consult.) My life might be normal(ish) by next week, if I'm lucky.

Still not able to read complex material, but things are coming back to me. I am starting to randomly fire off story ideas, which is a good sign. Also very much normal behavior for me. In other news, my short story "Permanent Fatal Errors" has been accepted for the anthology Is Anybody Out There?, a Fermi paradox themed book edited by Nick Gevers and Marty Halpern. This is another piece of the Sunspin continuity, and deals with some critical backstory elements connected to a core McGuffin.

Tags: calendula, california, cancer, child, conventions, health, personal, sale, stories, travel, work

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