- 1st
- 05:36 pm [child] Watching Firefly - 12 comments
- 07:55 pm [politics] Republicans are just like the rest of us. Honest. - 9 comments
- 08:25 pm [publishing] I been Kindled - 6 comments
- 09:16 pm [books] The Lost Thing and The Arrival - 4 comments
- 2nd
- 08:55 am [audio] Podcast updated 2007-12-02 - 1 comment
- 08:57 am [links] Link salad, easy like Sunday morning - 4 comments
- 3rd
- 05:38 am [links] Link salad, airline snack edition - 6 comments
- 05:45 am [travel|personal]
- 11:28 am [politics] Universal healthcare finance and delivery - 64 comments
- 07:50 pm [personal] Updatery of the Omaha kind, more healthcare
- 4th
- 04:43 am [links] Link salad, every other day of the week is fine - 11 comments
- 05:58 pm [personal] Tired, very very tired - 16 comments
- 5th
- 04:41 am [links] Link salad, from the country of the corn - 3 comments
- 04:47 am [contest] And we have a winner! - 3 comments
- 04:53 am [politics] A bit more on the Iran NIE - 5 comments
- 03:24 pm [personal] Omaha - 3 comments
- 6th
- 01:05 am [politics] Interim report on the healthcare thread - 15 comments
- 02:07 am [links] Link salad, Thursday edition - 6 comments
- 02:46 am [personal] Up stupid early, off to work I guess - 4 comments
- 07:37 pm [personal ] The day that was - 3 comments
- 7th
- 03:01 am [links] Link salad, sleep deprivation edition - 8 comments
- 03:04 am [travel] Away in a mangler
- 02:43 pm [politics] Hey, it took longer than I thought - 16 comments
- 8th
- 07:44 am [links] Link salad, grooving all week with you - 3 comments
- 07:33 pm [child] Wit and wisdom of the_child - 7 comments
- 9th
- 07:29 am [politics] A bit more from me on Romney and Huckabee, and the tolerance of atheists - 8 comments
- 07:33 am [links] Link salad, Sunday morning - 3 comments
- 05:27 pm [writing] Reading - 16 comments
- 06:06 pm [movies] Everything I need to know in life I learned from the cinema - 13 comments
- 06:16 pm [child] the_child does art - 1 comment
- 06:20 pm [photos] the_child goes to the Christmas Revels
- 06:43 pm [videos] the_child prepping the Christmas tree and singing carols - 1 comment
- 06:47 pm [photos] Christmas tree shopping - 6 comments
- 07:58 pm [child] Wisdom of the_child - 1 comment
- 10th
- 06:12 am [writing] When one transept just isn't enough
- 06:52 am [links] Link salad, hit and run edition - 2 comments
- 07:05 am [fiction] "The Dying Dream of Water" - 1 comment
- 07:46 am [words] Days of future passed - 10 comments
- 11:33 am [links] Link salad, nooner edition - 5 comments
- 05:24 pm [writing] Progriss riport
- 11th
- 06:10 am [writing] Trusting the process - 5 comments
- 06:33 am [links] Link salad, Tuesday goes to Mars - 23 comments
- 08:44 am [books] Mainspring on Audible.com
- 05:23 pm [wip] A tiny snippet from Green - 2 comments
- 07:37 pm [writing] Green proceeds
- 07:39 pm [publishing] Question for the hivemind - 7 comments
- 12th
- 05:59 am [links] Link salad, hump day edition - 2 comments
- 06:11 am [process] Developmental Anatomy of a Book - 3 comments
- 07:46 pm [writing|WIP] Progress on Green
- 13th
- 05:48 am [links] Thursday link salad - 33 comments
- 05:50 am [personal] Watch out, you might get what you're after - 3 comments
- 02:39 pm [personal|tech] Email down again - 3 comments
- 03:09 pm [links] Thursday afternoon serving - 3 comments
- 08:42 pm [writing|WIP] Progress on Green
- 09:17 pm [awards] A new Hugo category - 67 comments
- 14th
- 06:08 am [links] Link salad? Friday? Really? - 5 comments
- 06:20 am [process] Work schedule, because I am a lemming - 2 comments
- 02:01 pm [personal] Camera details
- 02:26 pm [funny] Seen in passing today - 1 comment
- 04:15 pm [links] Link salad, mo better Friday - 1 comment
- 10:06 pm [writing|process] More progress on Green - 3 comments
- 16th
- 07:53 am [links] Link salad, Sunday-rama - 2 comments
- 08:49 am [audio] Podcast updated 2007-12-16
- 11:17 am [photos] Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum - 1 comment
- 11:21 am [writing|personal] Progriss riport for Sondae - 1 comment
- 17th
- 06:03 am [personal|writing] - 2 comments
- 06:36 am [links] Link salad, video edition - 6 comments
- 06:11 pm [writing] Progriss riport - 1 comment
- 18th
- 06:12 am [links] Link salad, Tuesday has come again - 23 comments
- 11:24 am [links] Link salad, lunch break edition - 6 comments
- 06:04 pm [child] Wit of the_child, department of single entendres
- 06:07 pm [writing] Progriss riport
- 19th
- 06:07 am [tech] Microrant - 7 comments
- 06:25 am [personal] Fluorescent pirate golf - 9 comments
- 06:44 am [links] Link salad, low calorie edition - 3 comments
- 02:14 pm [photos] What the heck is this...? - 10 comments
- 02:38 pm [photos] Ford Pinto hearse - 3 comments
- 02:51 pm [links] Link salad, afternoon refresh - 12 comments
- 06:44 pm [writing] Progriss riport - 1 comment
- 20th
- 06:24 am [links] Link salad, Thursday smoothie - 4 comments
- 09:49 am [writing] Average word length - 27 comments
- 06:13 pm [writing] Progriss report updated
- 06:27 pm [personal] Asian soda taste test panel - 19 comments
- 08:04 pm [writing] Average word length, chart edition - 1 comment
- 21st
- 06:54 am [links] Link salad to wrap the week - 18 comments
- 08:30 am [books] Mainspring on Whatever
- 12:35 pm [politics] "Saddle me up, I'm ready" - 1 comment
- 07:33 pm [writing] The ironies of time - 18 comments
- 22nd
- 08:04 am [links] Link salad on Saturday, culture & religion edition - 2 comments
- 09:44 am [personal] Breakfast - 13 comments
- 12:24 pm [writing] Progriss riport
- 23rd
- 08:16 am [links] Link salad on the day of rest - 9 comments
- 11:08 am [writing] Progriss riport - 2 comments
- 03:04 pm [fiction] "In Defeat of Transcendent Epiphany"
- 03:36 pm [writing] Mainspring mass market paperback
- 07:24 pm [books] Nebula recs
- 24th
- 09:15 am [links] Link salad, Christmas Eve edition - 1 comment
- 09:52 am [writing] A laugh-o-gram from my subconscious - 4 comments
- 12:46 pm [personal] Misc blog updates, or perhaps an agenda for upcoming entires - 7 comments
- 02:46 pm [writing] Progriss riport
- 25th
- 09:49 am [personal] Bono Festivus - 1 comment
- 12:15 pm [personal] It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas - 11 comments
- 06:12 pm [writing] Progriss riport - 1 comment
- 26th
- 05:56 am [photos] the_child at Christmas - 3 comments
- 06:38 am [links] Wee little link salad - 2 comments
- 07:34 am [videos] The Niece explains what she likes about Christmas
- 08:12 am [funny] Working the day after Christmas - 4 comments
- 12:49 pm [child] the_child draws a panda - 4 comments
- 02:45 pm [awards] Mucking about with Nebula recs - 17 comments
- 03:05 pm [links] Link salad afternoon update - 52 comments
- 04:33 pm [writin] Progriss riport
- 27th
- 06:29 am [links] Link salad, Thursday edition - 14 comments
- 06:34 am [process] Faking sincerity - 62 comments
- 07:20 am [process] On short stories and novels - 2 comments
- 07:48 am [help] Multiprotocol chat client for OS X 10.5.x - 12 comments
- 10:49 am [process] The arc of my career - 31 comments
- 03:00 pm [links] Link salad afternoon update - 6 comments
- 06:21 pm [writing] Progriss riport - 9 comments
- 28th
- 06:48 am [process] On luck - 19 comments
- 07:40 am [links] Link salad, Friday edition - 9 comments
- 12:44 pm [writing] In which I am a Tool of Satan - 56 comments
- 03:01 pm [writing] Religion in fiction - 16 comments
- 08:50 pm [writing] Progriss riport - 1 comment
- 29th
- 08:11 am [links] Link salad on Saturday, mostly history edition - 7 comments
- 08:29 pm [process] What the hell am I doing - 15 comments
- 08:51 pm [writing] Progriss riport - 1 comment
- 30th
- 07:10 am [links|travel] Travel quiz - 7 comments
- 08:02 am [audio] Podcast updated 2007-12-30
- 09:24 am [food] Mmm...biscuits - 4 comments
- 08:46 pm [writing] Progriss riport - 23 comments
- 31st
- 06:29 am [links] Link salad, New Year's Eve edition - 6 comments
- 06:43 am [politics] The connection between evolution denial and public policy - 13 comments
- 06:56 am [personal] Facebookery - 28 comments
- 08:17 am [food] Mmm...rolls - 6 comments
- 10:52 am [language] "Grammatically human" - 2 comments
- 11:23 am [process] The television rant (again) - 39 comments
- 05:16 pm [writing] Tyop du jour - 9 comments
- 07:24 pm [writing] Progriss riport - 1 comment
- 07:27 pm [food] Biscuit recipe - 8 comments