- 1st
- 06:52 am [links] Link salad wakes up grumpy again - 4 comments
- 06:55 am [photos] Your Saturday moment of zen
- 10:18 am [tech] iPad 3G round two-a, major Apple and AT&T fail - 9 comments
- 10:36 am [photos] A hat, and some hair - 8 comments
- 2nd
- 06:58 am [links] Link salad dreams of Leonard Cohen - 4 comments
- 07:01 am [photos] Your Sunday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 07:25 am [cancer|personal] More postcards from the Other Lands - 2 comments
- 07:38 am [photos] The chemohawk - 1 comment
- 07:54 am [photos] Mayfaire and the Maypole - 6 comments
- 01:17 pm [tech] iPad 3G round 3, Apple win
- 03:18 pm [tech] iPad 3G round 4, continuing AT&T fail, minor Apple irony - 2 comments
- 03:25 pm [cancer] In which I am once again defeated by life - 11 comments
- 3rd
- 05:16 am [links] Link salad wonders how common executive assassination orders will become - 5 comments
- 05:17 am [photos] Your Monday moment of zen - 3 comments
- 05:33 am [cancer] Another week, heading into infusion session nine - 5 comments
- 05:59 am [tech] iPad 3G, the good stuff, and a few questions - 17 comments
- 03:28 pm [tech] iPad 3G round 5, end to AT&T fail - PO Boxes are now ok - 14 comments
- 4th
- 04:50 am [links] Link salad comes over all hopey-changey - 6 comments
- 04:56 am [photos] Your Tuesday moment of zen
- 04:59 am [cancer] Some calm - 4 comments
- 05:43 pm [writing] Miscellanea and a sale - 5 comments
- 5th
- 04:27 am [links] Link salad likes living in Portland - 8 comments
- 04:31 am [photos] Your Wednesday moment of zen
- 04:40 am [cancer] Sometimes you win small, in big ways - 7 comments
- 05:02 am [writing] Once in a lifetime - 13 comments
- 05:41 am [personal] Another dream log - 6 comments
- 6th
- 05:11 am [links] Link salad remembers lying in a hospital bed - 12 comments
- 05:14 am [photos] Your Thursday moment of zen
- 05:26 am [cancer] Oh, god, the dreams, make them stop - 7 comments
- 05:54 am [process] Answering a few questions about writing, self-improvement and reprints - 5 comments
- 7th
- 07:01 am [links] Link salad wants a Red Bull Party in politics - 11 comments
- 07:04 am [photos] Your Friday moment of zen
- 07:10 am [funny] In which my mellow is harshed - 8 comments
- 8th
- 08:40 am [links] Link salad dreams of sects and Duze and Sisyphus' rock rolling - 21 comments
- 08:43 am [photos] Your Saturday moment of zen - 2 comments
- 10:04 am [photos] Black Blade Blues reading - 2 comments
- 10:14 am [photos] Infusion session nine, day one - 3 comments
- 9th
- 07:59 am [links] Link salad sings never never on a Sunday - 4 comments
- 08:02 am [photos] Your Sunday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 08:06 am [cancer] Infusion session nine, day two - 1 comment
- 08:33 am [poll] What sort of Christian Nation should Sarah Palin's America be? - 49 comments
- 04:24 pm [photos] Another day around Nuevo Rancho Lake - 8 comments
- 10th
- 04:58 am [links] Link salad wonders how many roads it must walk down - 4 comments
- 05:00 am [photos] Your Monday moment of zen - 3 comments
- 05:15 am [cancer] Chemotherapy, day three of session nine - 3 comments
- 05:31 am [fiction] Another open story - 18 comments
- 11th
- 04:58 am [links] Link salad sneers at style books - 1 comment
- 04:59 am [photos] Your Tuesday moment of zen
- 05:08 am [cancer] More roughness - 4 comments
- 05:23 am [tech] iPad 3G, week two - 4 comments
- 05:35 am [personal|tech] iPad 3G, the thank you - 5 comments
- 12th
- 04:47 am [links] Link salad wonders what ever happened to the Children of the Sun - 3 comments
- 04:49 am [photos] Your Wednesday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 04:59 am [cancer] Current state and looking forward - 2 comments
- 05:09 am [cancer|process] Writer's block, or energy block? - 5 comments
- 13th
- 05:37 am [links] Link salad believes in the perfected past - 13 comments
- 05:39 am [photos] Your Thursday moment of zen
- 05:40 am [cancer] Meh - 5 comments
- 03:47 pm [child] Wit of the Child - 4 comments
- 04:40 pm [cancer] This just in: chemo sucks more than ever - 14 comments
- 14th
- 05:41 am [links] Link salad is a neigh sayer - 7 comments
- 05:43 am [photos] Your Friday moment of zen - 2 comments
- 05:48 am [cancer] Wrapping up another work week - 1 comment
- 15th
- 06:21 am [links] Link salad wonders who will serve and who will eat - 4 comments
- 06:24 am [photos] Your Saturday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 06:37 am [cancer] Other than that, how was your day Mrs. Lincoln? - 2 comments
- 16th
- 08:04 am [links] Link salad wants to go on the Ed Sullivan show - 13 comments
- 08:08 am [photos] Your Sunday moment of zen - 3 comments
- 08:26 am [cancer] Sleeping the sleep of the ungrateful dead - 9 comments
- 17th
- 05:20 am [links] Link salad tightens its goggle straps - 4 comments
- 05:23 am [photos] Your Monday moment of zen - 2 comments
- 05:47 am [cancer] A little better, some notes on sleep - 12 comments
- 05:54 am [books|cancer] The Specific Gravity of Grief - 3 comments
- 04:17 pm [cancer] And she is well enough to come - 2 comments
- 04:20 pm [sale] In other news, Japan checks in; again - 5 comments
- 18th
- 05:39 am [links] Link salad is going to drive its daddy to drinkin' - 12 comments
- 05:41 am [photos] Your Tuesday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 05:48 am [cancer] Fighting to stay awake - 19 comments
- 05:57 am [personal] More of the dream log - 9 comments
- 19th
- 05:21 am [links] Link salad is doomed to repeat history on the playground - 13 comments
- 05:24 am [photos] Your Wednesday moment of zen - 4 comments
- 05:33 am [cancer] Updatery of the usual sort - 4 comments
- 05:52 am [politics] Why I focus on certain kinds of hypocrisy - 15 comments
- 20th
- 05:06 am [links] Link salad is for the byrds - 4 comments
- 05:10 am [photos] Your Thursday moment of zen - 6 comments
- 05:16 am [cancer] More updatery, coz that's what I do - 2 comments
- 05:56 am [process] Some notes on worldbuilding - 21 comments
- 21st
- 06:45 am [links] Link salad hits the rails - 5 comments
- 06:47 am [photos] Your Friday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 06:49 am [cancer] Chemo session ten is on the pad - 5 comments
- 22nd
- 08:00 am [links] Link salad floats on a bed of cytotoxic drugs so you don't have to - 2 comments
- 08:02 am [photos] Your Saturday moment of zen - 2 comments
- 08:04 am [cancer] Chemotherapy, day one of session ten - 5 comments
- 23rd
- 07:04 am [links] Link salad goes for a sky ride - 3 comments
- 07:10 am [photos] Your Sunday moment of zen
- 09:13 am [photos] The Child plays lacrosse - 5 comments
- 09:17 am [photos] The chemo - 4 comments
- 05:03 pm [photos] Infusion session ten, day three - 5 comments
- 24th
- 05:27 am [links] Link salad flies into another Monday
- 05:29 am [photos] Your Monday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 05:40 am [cancer] Sleeping my way through chemo - 6 comments
- 05:51 am [process] Some notes on dialog - 6 comments
- 25th
- 05:45 am [links] Link salad wants to go to Mars - 5 comments
- 05:47 am [photos] Your Tuesday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 05:51 am [fiction] Catching up to this and that
- 06:00 am [cancer] Another voice heard from - 7 comments
- 26th
- 05:46 am [links] Link salad sleeps like the undead - 1 comment
- 05:50 am [photos] Your Wednesday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 05:54 am [cancer] Watch out, you might get what you're after - 1 comment
- 27th
- 05:41 am [links] Link salad is a bit more rested, a bit more confused - 12 comments
- 05:43 am [photos] Your Thursday moment of zen
- 05:52 am [cancer] ZOMG sleep, and Scalzi's part in the Lesbian-Zombie War - 7 comments
- 28th
- 05:49 am [links] Link salad contemplates the Acme catalog - 5 comments
- 05:51 am [photos] Your Friday moment of zen
- 06:00 am [cancer] The dreams, please... - 4 comments
- 29th
- 07:27 am [links] Link salad gets tired of the arguments - 3 comments
- 07:33 am [photos] Your Saturday moment of zen
- 08:01 am [cancer] Updates, lessons and the nature of anger - 12 comments
- 02:26 pm [child|cancer] The Child asks questions - 3 comments
- 03:13 pm [art] "Doorway" by the Child - 4 comments
- 30th
- 05:48 am [links] Link salad wonders how it will be judged today - 9 comments
- 05:51 am [photos] Your Sunday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 06:13 am [cancer] The days go by, water flowing underground
- 07:22 am [cancer] Pain, discomfort and the discontents of the insulted body - 18 comments
- 01:15 pm [personal] More family medical follies - 3 comments
- 31st
- 07:04 am [links] Link salad remembers those who served, and those who still serve - 4 comments
- 07:10 am [photos] Your Monday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 07:19 am [cancer] Update, and summary of another dream - 7 comments
- 08:05 am [cancer] On hope, some thoughts to balance pain - 13 comments