- 1st
- 08:14 am [links] Link salad shuffles into the courtroom of the day - 1 comment
- 08:16 am [photos] Your Sunday moment of zen
- 08:27 am [cancer] Again with the coping - 10 comments
- 2nd
- 05:08 am [links] Link salad rubs sand from its eyes, resolves not to sleep on beaches - 4 comments
- 05:12 am [photos] Your Monday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 05:14 am [repost] Open dinner in Philadelphia, PA this week - 5 comments
- 05:20 am [cancer] Class privilege and chemotherapy - 60 comments
- 3rd
- 05:06 am [links] Link salad has a devil set aside for you - 2 comments
- 05:08 am [photos] Your Tuesday moment of zen
- 05:12 am [personal|cancer] Running rough - 1 comment
- 4th
- 04:41 am [links] Link salad heads east - 3 comments
- 04:43 am [photos] Your Wednesday moment of zen
- 04:48 am [travel] Away, away - 2 comments
- 5th
- 05:04 am [links] Link salad has a devil set aside for you - 3 comments
- 05:08 am [photos] Your Thursday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 05:16 am [personal|travel] Philadelphia - 2 comments
- 6th
- 02:18 am [links] Link salad heads west once more - 7 comments
- 02:20 am [photos] Your Friday moment of zen - 3 comments
- 02:21 am [travel] Up in the air, junior birdman
- 7th
- 05:35 am [links] Link salad says, oh, no, Guadalajara won't do - 1 comment
- 05:39 am [photos] Your Saturday moment of zen
- 05:59 am [cancer] Walking through the valley of the shadow of metastasis - 9 comments
- 07:43 am [contests] Steampunk caption contest - 18 comments
- 07:45 am [art] "Behind the Walls" by the Child - 2 comments
- 8th
- 07:12 am [links] Link salad visits the home by the sea - 2 comments
- 07:15 am [photos] Your Sunday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 07:39 am [photos] A day at the shore - 2 comments
- 9th
- 04:59 am [links] Link salad considers forswearing fructose - 7 comments
- 05:04 am [photos] Your Monday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 05:11 am [personal|cancer] Shambling toward an uncertain future - 3 comments
- 05:14 am [art] "One, Two, Freeze" by the Child - 1 comment
- 05:20 am [photos] 1955ish Dodge-a-chero - 3 comments
- 09:06 pm [personal] Seattle notes - 13 comments
- 10th
- 05:41 am [links] Link salad is on the road to somewhere - 4 comments
- 05:45 am [photos] Your Tuesday moment of zen
- 05:54 am [cancer] Fear and loathing in El Lago - 6 comments
- 03:30 pm [photos] More Seattle notes - 3 comments
- 03:34 pm [art] "Paper and Ink" by the Child - 15 comments
- 04:00 pm [cancer|writing] All-way stop - 5 comments
- 11th
- 05:40 am [links] Link salad dreams of futures past - 5 comments
- 05:42 am [photos] Your Wednesday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 05:49 am [cancer] Life's only a metaphor anyway - 11 comments
- 04:16 pm [cancer] Having met with the liver surgeon... - 26 comments
- 12th
- 05:37 am [links] Link salad has nothing clever to say - 1 comment
- 05:39 am [photos] Your Thursday moment of zen
- 05:58 am [cancer] Melting down like an ice cream cone on an August sidewalk - 33 comments
- 13th
- 04:40 am [links] Link salad has the roadhouse blues - 5 comments
- 04:44 am [photos] Your Friday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 04:58 am [writing] Endurance, and what comes after - 10 comments
- 05:29 am [cancer] Dipping from the wells of disappointment - 26 comments
- 04:08 pm [cancer|travel] Some good news, for a change - 39 comments
- 14th
- 05:50 am [links] Link salad tries to proposition 8, gets slapped a lot - 8 comments
- 05:53 am [photos] Your Saturday moment of zen
- 05:55 am [personal] Write, read, live
- 08:43 am [writing] Endurance is a wrap - 5 comments
- 02:29 pm [travel|help] Australia questions, for them as knows the answers - 33 comments
- 15th
- 06:12 am [links] Link salad is gonna help build the wall - 1 comment
- 06:16 am [photos] Your Sunday moment of zen
- 06:18 am [art] "Truth" by the Child - 2 comments
- 06:35 am [personal] Miscellaneous updatery - 5 comments
- 03:21 pm [food] I may have a new favorite restaurant...mmm nom nom ZOMG - 12 comments
- 16th
- 04:59 am [links] Link salad goes creeping now through the night and the poison gas - 1 comment
- 05:02 am [photos] Your Monday moment of zen
- 05:08 am [photos] Kelly Point, Portland, OR - 3 comments
- 05:15 am [photos] The EastBurn - 3 comments
- 05:30 am [personal|cancer] Trying to keep up - 7 comments
- 17th
- 05:09 am [links] Link salad climbs inside - 3 comments
- 05:11 am [photos] Your Tuesday moment of zen
- 05:18 am [cancer] A pair of semirandom lists - 33 comments
- 05:53 am [polls] Steampunk caption contest voting poll - 1 comment
- 07:10 pm [art] "Blue Ever" by the Child - 3 comments
- 18th
- 05:48 am [links] Link salad heads into the daylight, blinking - 3 comments
- 05:51 am [photos] Your Wednesday moment of zen - 2 comments
- 05:56 am [personal] Disclaimer: This post lacks wit or wisdom
- 06:44 pm [food] Last night, I didn't sleep at all, all, all - 7 comments
- 19th
- 04:52 am [links] Link salad goes on a diet of clear liquids - 5 comments
- 04:55 am [photos] Your Thursday moment of zen - 3 comments
- 04:57 am [art] "Weed Life" by the Child - 1 comment
- 05:15 am [cancer] Time for another alien abduction experience - 19 comments
- 20th
- 04:25 am [links] Link salad is taken up by the fire in the sky - 4 comments
- 04:28 am [photos] Your Friday moment of zen
- 06:53 am [personal] Miscellaneous updatery is all part of my rock and roll fantasy - 4 comments
- 05:23 pm [cancer] The saucer brought me home, colonoscopy all good - 18 comments
- 21st
- 08:52 am [links] Link salad knows Major Tom's a junkie - 2 comments
- 08:54 am [photos] Your Saturday moment of zen
- 09:06 am [personal] Sleeping it off, walking and talking our way into the new day - 17 comments
- 22nd
- 06:35 am [links] Link salad gets marked down from 22,000 days
- 06:38 am [photos] Your Sunday moment of zen
- 06:40 am [personal] Lessons of life - 1 comment
- 06:45 am [personal] A blinding rush through mud - 3 comments
- 09:49 am [conventions] AussieCon 4 Schedule - 2 comments
- 10:13 am [art] "Useless in a Crack" by the Child - 2 comments
- 06:21 pm [personal] The day that was - 10 comments
- 23rd
- 04:40 am [links] Link salad's wayward son carries on
- 04:42 am [photos] Your Monday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 04:50 am [contests] Results of the steampunk caption contest voting poll - 2 comments
- 05:02 am [conventions|travel] Au Contraire and AussieCon 4 - 33 comments
- 24th
- 05:08 am [links] Link salad eyes the fall publishing schedule - 5 comments
- 05:11 am [photos] Your Tuesday moment of zen
- 05:26 am [personal] Fatherhood in the time of cancer - 15 comments
- 03:30 pm [photos] What I did today - 7 comments
- 25th
- 04:56 am [links] Link salad has one foot on the platform, the other on the train - 3 comments
- 05:00 am [photos] Your Wednesday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 05:12 am [travel] Off today to the antipodes, forward all my mail to the South Seas - 8 comments
- 05:23 am [personal] Random dream notes of late - 4 comments
- 05:26 am [art] "Angel Flies" by the Child - 1 comment
- 10:03 pm [travel] Coming into Los Angeles... - 3 comments
- 27th
- 02:07 am [travel] In New Zealand - 5 comments
- 02:01 pm [links] Link salad hangs out in Kiwi country - 8 comments
- 02:03 pm [photos] Your Friday/Saturday moment of zen - 1 comment
- 02:18 pm [conventions] Au Contraire Day One - 3 comments
- 28th
- 12:59 pm [links] Link salad gets didactic - 9 comments
- 01:02 pm [photos] Your Saturday/Sunday moment of zen
- 01:04 pm [conventions] Au Contraire Day Two - 3 comments
- 11:09 pm [conventions] Au Contraire Day Three - 4 comments
- 29th
- 12:26 pm [links] Link salad wakes up, still on the far side of the world
- 12:30 pm [photos] Your Sunday/Monday moment of zen - 2 comments
- 12:37 pm [travel] A few random thoughts on being in New Zealand - 8 comments
- 30th
- 01:13 pm [links] Link salad generates interest - 1 comment
- 01:16 pm [photos] Your Monday/Tuesday moment of zen
- 01:40 pm [travel] Sheep, Seals, and Bulldozers, oh my - 11 comments
- 31st
- 01:16 pm [links] Link salad flies to Oz today - 1 comment
- 01:20 pm [photos] Your Tuesday/Wednesday moment of zen - 2 comments
- 01:24 pm [travel] One more day in New Zealand, off to Australia this afternoon