So we left in the Witchmobile, top down and our purpose resolute...
Photo by Susan Dutton
The first part of the drive was intermittently foggy.
The fog got worse (and prettier).
Then it suddenly cleared off. An entire ocean was revealed.
And oceanside farms.
And clifftop views from the highway.
Speaking of the highway...
We stopped briefly at Fort Ross in search of beach. We found beauty, but not accessible sand. Also, turkey vultures.
Then there was more fog!
It grew so dense that I experienced vertigo looking over the side of the car at absolutely nothing. At one point we rounded a blind hairpin turn in deep fog only to be surprised by a large-voiced serenade from a frog on the roadside cliff face. (Later a hawk screamed at us. Ah, convertible driving.)
Then the fog was gone between one curve and the next.
Or maybe not. Tricky cat-footed bastard.
The highway ahead.
Eventually we pulled off at a spiffy overlook, just outside Jenner, CA.
Then on into Jenner, after which we headed for Bodega Bay.
At Bodega Bay we had a pretty good lunch, then headed inland, much to our regret away from the Sonoma Coast.
CA-1, Sonoma County. © 2009 Joseph E. Lake, Jr., except as noted © 2009 Susan Dutton.
This work by Joseph E. Lake, Jr. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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