martyn44 with the most snarkalicious review evar of Avatar yet
How to Photograph the Earth — Photos from near space for less than $150. I believe I posted something else about this before, but I'd love to do this, maybe this summer when I'm over chemo. I think the Pacific Northwest sf/f writer and fan community needs a space program.
Calvin and Hobbes on tails — And perhaps the last word on neckties. Furries take note.
90 Percent Of Languages Will Be Extinct Next Century - And That's Good — Hmm...
Top Ten Anti-Christian Attacks in 2009 — An interesting view from the Christian right. I read this as a combination of paranoia, and resentment at having their own rights to commit hate speech curbed. This is a nation which heavily privileges Christian belief and Christian speech. (Very simple example: How many avowed atheists hold elective political office? How many avowed Christians do?) To pretend otherwise is disingenous fearmongering.
?otD: How much is that dogie in the window?
Body movement: Suburban walk of unknown length forthcoming
Hours slept: 9.0
This morning's weigh-in: 227.4
Currently reading: Bangkok 8 by John Burdett