Steampunk: 20 Core Titles — Mainspring makes the Library Journal list. Huzzah!
In case you missed it, "The vorpal copy editor" [ | LiveJournal ] — For the record, I love my copy editors. They do an immense amount to ensure my art and craft reach you, the reader, as I intended rather than as I hath sometimes wrought. But copy edits are still weird, at the best of times.
From the department of overnight reacharounds, yesterday's post on "Privileging the extroverts" [ | LiveJournal ] — This has developed a fascinating, thoughtful comment thread, especially on the LiveJournal side. If you're interested in this topic, very much worth the read.
Searching for Another Earth — More exoplanetary goodness. Interestingly, contrast the presentation of this Technology Review story with that of Centauri Dreams on the same topic.
"My hovercraft is full of eels" — In how many languages? (Thanks to
Would you volunteer to eat school lunch every day to prove a point? This teacher did. — (Thanks to
?otD: Where is she going when she follows you down for the kill?
Writing time yesterday: 60 minutes
Body movement: 30 minutes on stationary bike
Hours slept: 7.5 (solid)
This morning's weigh-in: 230.2
Yesterday's chemo stress index: 5/10 (shedding day)
Currently reading: [between books]