A reader reacts to Green — Mixed, and largely negative.
Birtherism, socialism, and craziness — Language Log on what real socialism is, versus the Right wing American scare word. I do disagree with their conclusions about polysemy, since the repurposing of the term is a cynical propaganda ploy as opposed to a genuine shift in meaning, but I am probably in the wrong here.
Doonesbury on right wing hate speech — For those of you who foolishly persist in thinking there's some kind of equivalency in left-right rhetoric in this country.
Priming Christian Religious Concepts Increases Racial Prejudice — Positive correlations have been found between several self-report measures of religiousness and racial prejudice; however, no experiment has yet examined the direct effect of religion on racial attitudes. Hmm. Is this a function of reinforcing one's tribalism? In my observation most churches (and religions) are very heavily racially segregated. Or am I wrong?
"Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black" - Tim Wise — Yep, no racism here. Just good, honest Real Americans standing up for their rights.
?otD: What's your favorite comfort (re)reading?
Writing time yesterday: none (chemo brain)
Body movement: brief suburban walk later
Hours slept: 9.0 (interruoted)
This morning's weigh-in: n/a (scale is out of batteries)
Yesterday's chemo stress index: 7/10 (fatigue, on the pump)
Currently (re)reading: Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett