Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[links] Link salad likes living in Portland

The Two Bucket Theory of Language and Writingjimvanpelt is wise.

SiWC Tips 'N' Tricks — Me, featured on the Surrey International Writers' Conference blog.

Dark Faith Roundtable — A group interview with Gary A. Braunbeck, Nick Mamatas, Catherynne M. Valente and me.

FogCon — I've been asked to mention a new con in the Bay Area, FogCon, March 11-13, 2011. I might actually managed to be there.

The Straight Dope is deeply snarky about D&D — A classic column from 1980. (That's the dateline, internal text suggests later in the 1980s.) He's talking about my era of D&D/AD&D, and it's stupidly funny snark.

joe_haldeman explains the economic stimulus — Heh. (Thanks to lt260.)

Truman's Moral CourageHe signed the first executive calling for "equality of treatment for all persons in the armed services, without regard to race, color, religion or national origin" on July 26, 1948 -- a scant few months before a presidential election, with polls showing 82% opposition to the idea in the country. Can you imagine a president today having the courage to do such a thing under those circumstances? Are you listening, Mr. Obama? Do the right thing, not the expedient thing.

Michael Brown: Obama Wanted The Oil Spill To HappenEx-FEMA director Michael Brown today claimed that President Obama waited to respond to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico because he wanted an excuse to shut down offshore drilling. Is there some kind of a contest for how crazy you have to be in order to be a conservative? Heck of a job, Brownie. And they say irony is dead.

The authors of Arizona's immigration law retreat — A good read for those of you who persist in the delusion that the Arizona immigration law was anything but racist grandstanding.

Conservative Latinos Rethink Party Ties — Strangely enough, racist grandstanding has consequences. (Thanks to shsilver.)

Not All Americans Are Equal — More principled consistency from conservative America. Yet you think you're the good guys?

Christian right leader George Rekers takes vacation with "rent boy" — Loves me some family values. Look, over there! Teh gay! Let's persecute! I see nothing but bigotry and hypocrisy in the anti-gay movement. (Thanks to danjite.) And a bit more of a funny on this from Language Log.

Secret Christian donors bankroll Tories — Christianism in the UK. My favorite bit: [Philippa Strud] once explained that it was "massively important" for Christians to engage in politics because "we have a unique understanding of the value of human beings". Right. Because no one who isn't Christian can understand the value of a human being. At least she's honest in her bigotry. And what is it with conservatives and the word "unique"?

?otD: What's your favorite city?

Writing time yesterday: 2 hours (WRPA, not new wordage)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Hours slept: 6.5 (interrupted)
This morning's weigh-in: 235.6
Yesterday's chemo stress index: 4/10 (fatigue, GI issues)
Currently (re)reading: Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett

Tags: conventions, culture, interviews, links, personal, politics, process, religion, writing

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