Totally old school. Multiple wives, executing our children, selling our neighbors into the slavery, the whole Dr. Laura riff on following Old Testament law. After all, God hates shrimp and so should we.
Maronites, because nothing says "America" like Eastern Rite Christianity.
Mormons. The 19th Century kind with plural marriages and fake Indian massacres, because they were true patriots.
Deists. Many of the Founders were Deists, and Original Intent is so important to conservatives. Plus we'd get slavery back, because that was totally Christian back then.
Amish, so we can party like it's 1499.
Catholic, becuase their version of the Ten Commandments is so much better than the Protestant version.
Church of Christ, so we can take Bible literally as God intended it, except for the parts we don't like such as Jesus turning water into wine at Wedding at Cana because drinking wine is sinful even if it was Christ's first miracle.
Something else I'll explain in comments, like how the 30 Years War was such an awesome example of how simple Christian government can be.
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