Eclipse Shadow Cone Over Patagonia — APOD is on a roll this week.
Kosher Burkas — Umm...
GOP shows historic amnesia on spending cuts — Alas, historical amnesia appears to have affected some readers, many of whom are under the impression that President Bush actually believed in small government and that recent Republican congressional leaders actually opposed federal spending. I'd be a lot more impressed with the GOP's current anti-spending stance if it bore even the vaguest connection to how these same GOP leaders governed while in the majority.
If Only The Right Would Leave The Constitution Alone — Taken together, that's 10 constitutional amendments proposed, endorsed, and/or introduced by leading Republicans over the last decade. [...] Given the alleged reverence for the Constitution in far-right circles, the irony is rich.
?otD: What color is your parachute?
Writing time yesterday: 2.5 hours (revisions, WRPA)
Body movement: airport walking
Hours slept: 6.0 (solid)
This morning's weigh-in: 241.4 (yikes!)
Yesterday's chemo stress index: 3/10 (fatigue, peripheral neuropathy, emotional distress)
Currently (re)reading: Foreigner by C.J. Cherryh