Two-Handed Quick Draw — Wow. Just wow.
Layered Hills in Arabia Terra on Mars — Mmm, crunchy APOD goodness.
Thou shalt not breed: Anglicans — Wading into the population debate, the General Synod of the Anglican Church has warned that current rates of population growth are unsustainable and potentially out of step with church doctrine - including the eighth commandment, ''Thou shall not steal''. Huh. (Thanks to
?otD: Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Writing time yesterday: 2.0 hours (revisions and WRPA)
Body movement: hiking to come
Hours slept: 9.0 (solid)
This morning's weigh-in: 241.2
Yesterday's chemo stress index: 4/10 (fatigue, peripheral neuropathy)
Currently (re)reading: Defender by C.J. Cherryh