And the meerkats, of course, because how can you not visit meerkats?

We arrive en scene.

This little fellow was first to greet us. A superb fairy wren, I am told.

Sadly, no demos were being mounted at the time.

A bandicoot, apparently not breeding. Unless bandicoot breeding is a very zenlike experience.

Suspicious, resentful emu. Much like cats, really.

More suspicion and resentment.

Cape Barren geese.

Another Cape Barren goose.

Mama and gosling.

Big and leggy.

Ducking the camera.


Kangaroos are lazy bastards.

At least until I walk away.

Meerkat giving the kangaroo a run for his lazy money.

Even lazy doesn't last forever.

The rare and elusive

Birds on a wire. (This photo by
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© 2010, Joseph E. Lake, Jr.
This work by Joseph E. Lake, Jr. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.