In order:
- Calamity of So Long A Life
- The Whips and Scorns of Time
- Be All Our Sins Remembered
This time, unlike my last two trilogies, I intend to write it as one continuous, planned arc. With luck, I'll start drafting in January, take a break in March or April to revise Kalimpura, and then resume to be done with the first draft this project by summer. I figure a minimum of five elapsed (not calendar) months to lay down the first pass of this, and that's if I write fairly short and at speed.
For those just tuning in, Sunspin is my planned Big Idea space opera, sort of a fusion of contemporary New British and 1970's psuedofeudalism, with a blue collar tinge and a deep dose of paranoia. So far I've published about half a dozen short stories set in this continuity, and have an incomplete (at 70 pages) outline for the trilogy.
And yes, after Sunspin, Original Destiny, Manifest Sin.