Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[personal|cancer] Doggedly I trudge, aimless as a Scud

Yesterday was stupidly busy in all the good ways. I managed a full tranche of Day Jobbery, two rounds of revisions on the latest short story — the second to editorial direction — caught the_child's basketball game in which her team won to bring their record for the season to 1-1-1 (she is one of those athletes who is a joy to watch in motion), had both a delightful lunch and a delightful dinner. I also popped by the hospital for my blood draws pending my upcoming oncology followups.

I'm seeing my medical oncologist in two weeks, and my surgical oncologist in three. These are office visits, the big scary testing doesn't happen til April. Still, going into the lab was a reminder of that other side of my life I don't happen to be living at the moment. OHSU was being unusually efficient and my results posted yesterday afternoon. Everything looked pretty normal to me, but that's not especially surprising. My bloodwork has never been much of a reflection of my cancer status.

Taking it slower the next couple of days as I need to buckle back into Sunspin starting after work today. I'm still planning on catching the radio play of The Hobbit tomorrow afternoon at the McMenamin's Kennedy School, and a brunch on Sunday with a friend, otherwise mostly in for the weekend.

Next week, Omaha's cold beckons. I may be off to St. Louis the week after.

Also, I rather liked the interview with Paul London I posted a couple of days ago. Sometime in the next week or two I'll post an open call for interview questions. Not sure how I'll format or approach that, but if you've got something you'd like to see me address about writing, cancer or life, think on how you want to frame it to me.

* For bonus points, can you identify the lyric in the subject without resorting to teh Googles?

Tags: cancer, child, health, omaha, personal, travel, work

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