the_child: "Here, Dad, you'll like this video."
the_child: :: giggling ::
the_child: "Sure. It means number one. This guy peed in his pants."
the_child: "Number two?"
the_child: :: confused :: "What does it mean?"
the_child: :: howls of laughter :: "Oh my god. [name redacted] has been singing that song at school all week. She's the one who showed me the video."
the_child: "No wonder the boys thought it was so funny when we were singing that backstage before the concert."
the_child: "I think I'm going to leave [name redacted] alone for a day or two." :: evil laugh ::
the_child: :: picks up phone ::
the_child: "Hi, [name redacted]. Um, you know that song we've been singing?"
[name redacted]: :: short answer I can't hear ::
the_child: "Well, I showed it to my dad. Guess what 'jizz' means?"
[name redacted]: :: short answer I can't hear ::
the_child: "No, not number one."
[name redacted]: :: short answer I can't hear ::
the_child: "Not number two, either."
[name redacted]: :: long answer I can't hear ::
the_child: :: glances at me, realizes she's having this conversation in front of her Dad :: "It's when a boy's sperm comes out. The song is making fun of men who are bad at sex."
[name redacted]: :: extremely long answer I can't hear ::
the_child: "Yeah, we'd better not sing it anymore." :: hangs up ::
the_child: "No, Dad, I got it covered."
We were laughing at each other for a good twenty minutes afterwards.
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