Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[travel|writing] Off the grid, then up in the air

This afternoon I'm heading out for my annual gig as one of the attending pros at Rainforest Writers Village deep in the beautiful wilds of the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. Given the eccentricities of both cellphone service and Internet access at Lake Quinalt, I'm likely to be completely off the grid most of the time through Sunday evening.

While at Rainforest I expect to:
  • Write at least 2,500 words per day on Sunspin (though due to travel time that might not happen today)

  • Draft one and possibly two invited short stories

  • Write a review of Devon Monk's Dead Iron

  • Make a presentation with John Pitts about writing and life

  • Hike a bunch

  • Use the time away among nature and good friends to do some internal resets

  • Debauch where and how possible

  • Enjoy myself

Also, next Monday I fly to Omaha for a week in the salubrious climes of the Midwest, engaging in Day Jobbery. Except for Sunday night, I'll be away from Nuevo Rancho Lake for ten days.

Tags: books, conventions, omaha, personal, reviews, stories, sunspin, travel, washington, writing

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