Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[links] Link salad snores way too hard

There are still slots open for this summer's Cascade Writers — Instructors include me, David Levine and Beth Meacham.

SFWA Pacific Northwest Reading Series — Mark your calendars for April 19th, with me, Kay Kenyon and host Brent Weeks.

The Day the Movies DiedGQ on Hollywood decisionmaking. (Snurched from Scrivener's Error.)

51 hours left to live — An Oregon cancer victim talks about his death. (Via [info]willyumtx.)

Reducing cancer patients' painful treatmentA NASA technology originally developed for plant growth experiments on space shuttle missions has successfully reduced the painful side effects resulting from chemotherapy and radiation treatment in bone marrow and stem cell transplant patients. Interesting stuff. For bonus points, spot the egregious science writing/copy editing error in the middle of the article. (Via John Edward Bartley.)

Identification and Neutralization of Robotic Combatants — Hahahah.

Text Message Language Is Everywhere — I am entranced by the sign in this photo. Photochop or real?

Photos of NYC subway cars being thrown into the ocean — (Thanks to [info]shelly_rae.)

Adding It Up: Amazon Ship vs. Costco Shop — Ah, consumer culture. (Thanks to Dad.)

Followup thoughts on the meteorite fossils claimBad Astronomy with some debunking.

Bachmann and Palin — Ed Brayton's "Badass Quote of the Day" is hysterically funny.

In states, parties clash over voting laws that call for IDs, limits on where college students can cast ballots"Voting as a liberal. That's what kids do," he added, his comments taped by a state Democratic Party staffer and posted on YouTube. Students lack "life experience," and "they just vote their feelings." 'Cause, you know, no one rational would vote to help other members of society improve their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

?otD: Got sleep?

Writing time yesterday: 2.25 hours (2,500 words on Sunspin, plus some WRPA)
Body movement: overslept (by 2.5 hours!)
Hours slept: 8.5 hours (interrupted)
Weight: n/a
Currently reading: The Falling Machine: A Society of Steam Novel by Andrew P. Mayer

Tags: cancer, conventions, cool, culture, funny, healthcare, language, links, movies, oregon, personal, photos, politics, publishing, science, tech, weird

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