Today I see my surgical oncologist to discuss the plan for dealing directly with the tumor in the right lobe of my liver. He'll either confirm what my medical oncologist proposed, or offer a different course. That in turn will determine my treatment schedule and so forth.
Spent a lot of yesterday evening making plans of various sorts for caregiving and logistics during chemotherapy. I certainly know how to do this now. Some kinds of expertise are discouraging to have acquired. I continue to be very lucky in my friends.
Also, received a well-meaning but moronically insensitive voicemail last night that badly blew up my already tenuous emotional balance. That pretty much screwed up the end of my evening and sent me to bed in a deep funk. Thankfully I seem to have shaken off my depression overnight.
And for some reason my liver aches this morning. I'm 95% certain this is psychosomatic, as I don't believe the tumor is large enough for me to feel it directly, but still that is discouraging.
This is only the beginning.