Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[links] Link salad is still not in paradise

Typography — Abi Sutherland on signalling of change through type. I think her criticism of SFnal print typography is perhaps not yet fully formed, but I take her point.

The world's most inspiring bookstoresFrom Gothic cathedrals to revamped factories, these spaces will make you rethink your Kindle.

A color photo from 1911 — Art Guru James Gurney with color photography (as it were) from very early on. I believe I've linked to the photo source collection before, in this post he briefly discusses both the original shooting technique and the modern reconstruction process.

Io: The Prometheus Plume — I am sucker for these outer moons photos from APOD.

Loose Bolts on Space Station Give Spacewalkers Trouble in Orbit — If only the headline had been "loose nuts"...

Playboy survey reveals Internet's impact on sex — Do I really need a NSFW tag on this one?

U.S. weather extremes show "new normal" climate — Darn that liberally biased reality. The weird thing is, climate change shouldn't be a partisan issue. It's sort of like gravity being a partisan issue. Or evolution. (Ahem.) There's nothing liberal about this, except insofar as willfully know-nothing conservatives set themselves in opposition to observable reality and overwhelming scientific consensus for purely ideological reasons. ("Piss off the liberals" and "punch a hippie" often seem to be the guiding principles of Republican thought.)

Jon Huntsman's Climate ProblemI'm not a meteorologist. All I know is 90 percent of the scientists say climate change is occurring. If 90 percent of the oncological community said something was causing cancer we’d listen to them. Intellectual sanity from a Republican on a reality-based issue? My god, the Rapture has come. Cue the Rush Limbaugh apology tour in 3... 2... 1...

Newt Gingrich’s meltdown on the launch pad — I wonder if Newt's "Don't quote me" rule applies to Right wing 'gotcha' quotes from progressive figures?

Bin Laden’s Gone. Can My Son Come Home? — Commentary from John Walker Lindh's father. Remember when the Right so loudly complained that Lindh was prima facie evidence of the traitorous nature of all liberals? Yet somehow every Right wing domestic terrorist is either a patriot or a rare exception. Eric Rudolph has a hell of a lot more in common with the GOP than Lindh ever did with any significant American political group.

?otD: Still here?

Writing time yesterday: 1.0 hours (WRPA nonfiction projects)
Body movement: suburban walking to come
Hours slept: 7.25 hours (fitful)
Weight: n/a (forgot)
Currently (re)reading: A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

Tags: books, cool, culture, links, personal, photos, politics, publishing, religion, science, sex

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