More Evidence for Enceladus Ocean — Surf's up, dudes. Interplanetary kowabunga.
TV and soda: Small habits cause excess pounds — Duh?
There’s something magical about watching patterns emerge from data — Ben Goldacre on study sizes.
New Math in HIV Fight — Statistical Method Evolves From Physics to Wall Street to Battle Against AIDS.
Everything You Think You Know About the Collapse of the Soviet Union Is Wrong — St. Reagan did it!
Top Expert: Disputed McKinsey Health Care Study Akin To Push Poll — Gosh, even more conservative distortions about healthcare. Inconceivable, such pandering from our paragons of moral rectitude on the Right.
Sometimes, we make progress — Pharyngula on flat Eartherism, which has ever bit as much Biblical and empirical validity as Creationism, and should be treated with absolutely the same level of respect.
Ga.’s farm-labor crisis going exactly as planned — Golly, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of conservatives. When you live in the land of magical counterfactuals, getting what you wish for can be a dangerous thing. Meanwhile, out here in the reality-based community...
Christian conservative group calls on Sen. Vitter to follow Weiner's lead and resign — I don't agree with hardly a thing these guys stand for, but I have to applaud a conservative group for actually being intellectually consistent and standing against the rampant hypocrisy of their own movement.
Romney's Dilemma — Mitt Romney, abortion and the Republican voter base. Good luck with that one, Mittens.
?otD: Seattle or Portland?
Writing time yesterday: 1.5 hours (Kalimpura revisions)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Hours slept: 7.0 hours (solid)
Weight: 229.8
Currently (re)reading: A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin