DDT is good for me-e-e — This just creeps me out.
Detailed Views of Erupting Nabro Volcano — This Earth Observatory image from NASA is pretty darned intense.
NRC and Industry Rewrite Nuke History — I feel much safer now.
Can one idea be energy's holy grail? — Speaking of nukes.
Confessions of a Gay Christian Country Singer
Betty Bowers explains traditional marriage using Biblical sources — One man, one woman, my ass. Funny as hell. (Thanks to
San Francisco considers banning the sale of all pets — Umm. I'm pretty far to the left (by American standards, at least), but this is the kind of thing that looks like liberal self-parody and, much like evolution denial on the right, makes it easier for opponents to dismiss all liberal-progressive positions by ridiculing specific examples.
Republican self-referentiality — The 'first person singular pronoun' meme is rapidly becoming one my favorite conservative delusions, in part because its counterfactuality is so patently and simply demonstrable. (So is evolution denial, but Creationism bears the imprimatur of faith, which confuses the issue for unclear thinkers.) That they fixate on it says so much about the quality of their thinking on other issues.
In Response To Prosser Choking Allegations, Fox’s Van Susteren Calls On Female Chief Justice To Resign — Ah, the sterling ethics and impeccable logic of American conservatism.
Michele Bachmann zeroes in on Iowa — It says a great deal about the decay of the American political system that someone like Bachmann could be a serious presidential contender. Even by conservative standards, she's radical and bizarre.
?otD: Is it a major award, Swede?
Writing time yesterday: 1.0 hours (Hugo script draft)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Hours slept: 6.25 hours (fitful)
Weight: 229.0
Currently (re)reading: A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin