Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[links] Link salad at D’Anjite’s Bridge

Don’t forget the new Endurance ARC contest: [ jlake.com | LiveJournal ]

Keeping Track of Wordcount — Carrie Vaughn Is Sensible. And given that her sales numbers are 50X mine or something like that, maybe she knows a thing or two.

25 Things You Should Know About Queries, Synopses and Treatments — (Snurched from Steve Buchheit.)

The Elephant in the Room — Editor Gabrielle Harbowy, a 9/11 survivor, talks about coping now with the tenth anniversary looming.

9/11 and its great transformationsAfter 9/11 we lost our way, but buried beneath many wrong turns is a character that has been redeemed in the past.

The Mosaic Pre-ManNewly excavated Australopithecus sediba fossils exhibit a mixture of primitive and more modern features. I originally read this headline as an Old Testament reference, which certain caused some mismatched expectations. Creeping Creationism!

Board Game Brings the Difficulties of Climate Negotiations Home — Mmm, Catan. (Thanks to [info]martang.)

Hail to thee, our alma materSlacktivist Fred Clark on the links between private Christian schooling, racism and Dominionism.

Republican candidates, global warming, evolution, and reality — How we’ve gotten ourselves to the point where one of the two biggest props in our political system requires willful ignorance on the part of the candidaates in order for them to succeed…

Obama and Jobs: Why I Don’t Believe Him Anymore — Yeah, well. Sigh. I hate hold-your-nose voting, but that’s what the next election is going to come down to. I enthusiastically voted for Obama last time. This time I’ll be voting against [insertAntiRealityGOPLoonHere].

?otD: Churn much waste lately?

Writing time yesterday: 1.0 hours (WRPA)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Hours slept: 7.75 hours (solid)
Weight: 227.2
Currently reading: Antiphon by Ken Scholes

Originally published at jlake.com. You can comment here or there.

Tags: books, contests, culture, endurance, personal, process, publishing, religion, science, writing

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