Reading Recommendation: Endurance, by Jay Lake — Brenda Cooper with a brief, positive review.
Dali interviewed by Mike Wallace — A bit of video from 1958.
Steve Jobs Was A Jerk. Good For Him.
Bruce Schneier On The Security Mirage — On the difference between feeling secure and being secure.
Terrorism Can’t be Taken out and Shot — On targeted assassinations and people who believe they’re fighting for God. Ah, the manifold benefits of absolute righteousness. Not to mention endless occupations of foreign countries.
Tea and empathy — Roger Ebert on the difference between the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. Interesting, thoughtful read, as all of his posts are.
?otD: Got Sun Yat-Sen?
Writing time yesterday: 2.75 hours (1,700 words of outline plus WRPA)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Hours slept: 7.5 hours (fitful)
Weight: 217.2
Currently reading: The Sky Road by Ken MacLeod
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