Mystery 'city' caught on stunning time-lapse video from space revealed to be massive Midwest oil field
Apparent cyberattack destroys pump at Ill. water utility — In separate incident, hacker claims access to SCADA system at Houston utility. As David Goldman says, "And so it begins."
Fox Falsely Dubs Alleged White House Attacker As "'Occupy' Shooter" — What, Fox lying about something to make people they disagree with look bad? Despite the fact that multiple law enforcement agencies found no connection. Wonder if they looked for a connection between the Tea Party and a gun nut from Idaho? Nah, why would anyone think such a thing?
Older, Suburban and Struggling, ‘Near Poor’ Startle the Census — Nothing to see here, citizen. Move along.
The myth and fact behind Newt Gingrich’s 1980 divorce
Police Response to Occupy Wall Street is Absurd — Mind you, this Forbes talking. Not exactly a hotbed of liberal sentiment.
?otD: Been grooving all week with you?
Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hours (chemo fatigue)
Body movement: 0.0 minutes (chemo fatigue)
Hours slept: 15.00 (solid sleep plus napping)
Weight: n/a
Currently (re)reading: Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett