Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[links] Link salad thanks you for those items that you sent it

You Know, I Learned Something Today — A reader reacts, with critical eye, to the anthology Human For a Day.

A World Of Comic SansIn a world where Comic Sans is the only font, logos would look like this. Hahaha. (Via Steve Buchheit.)

We’re Eating Less Meat. Why?

Discovery Could Lead to an Exercise PillA newly identified hormone acts like a workout, and transforms bad fat into good. How very Silver Age sfnal. Up next: food pills.

Exoplanets are around every star, study suggests

Astronomers weigh in on Milky Way's true colours

Darwin for economists

Evolution: A Game of Chance — A nice, clear explanation of evolutionary processes. Warning: Facts and informed speculation not valid if you're not a member of the reality-based community.

Church-state separation extends to religious schools, Supreme Court rules — Well, this is a good idea. Not.

New Supreme Court Ruling Should End Hysteria Over Religious LibertyConservative religious groups have long predicted that church freedom would perish at the hands of “activist judges.” But the Supreme Court’s new exemption of religious groups from discrimination laws should silence the false alarms. Or not. The NRA is still screaming about Obama coming to take their guns, against all evidence. And then there's GOP freakout over the nonexistent EPA farm dust rule. Conservative hysteria and outrage has repeatedly proven immune to reality-based evidence.

My Guantánamo Nightmare — In case you labor under the delusion that Gitmo is about justice. Or even terrorism. Security theatre ruins lives.

The Tea Party’s Not-So-Civil War — It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of racist loons.

Why Republicans Deny Science: The Quest for a Scientific ExplanationSome of the conservative denial of science may well be cynical in nature. But there's no doubt from polls that large numbers of conservatives really believe this stuff--that global warming isn't real, nor is evolution. And indeed, the denial of reality extends well beyond science and into other fields like economics and history. I'm voting for cynical, myself, at least among the GOP political leadership.

Do Republican Primary Voters Actually Prefer Moderates? — Interesting, but not sure I agree with it. Romney and McCain aren't moderate, except by comparison to the outright bugfuck lunacy of a Bachmann or Santorum. Certainly not in any sane universe.

?otd: What's up with the plywood violin, anyway?

Writing time yesterday: 1.0 hours (2,400 words on short story)
Body movement: n/a (hideous weather)
Hours slept: 8.75 (fitful)
Weight: n/a
Currently reading: Lion's Blood by Steven Barnes

Tags: food, funny, links, personal, politics, religion, reviews, science, stories, tech

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