Protocols and The Spectacle of Reading Fantastika
These 24 Books Have Actually Been Published
Academic Competitions - State of Jefferson Academic Scavenger Hunt 2012 - Middle School — Holy Pete, these are tough questions. (Via
Embracing the Mothers of Invention — Financing the stuff of dreams through Kickstarter. (Thanks to Dad.)
Current social networks may have been present in the earliest modern humans
Global warming felt in gardens — Who are you going to believe? Rush Limbaugh or that lying data?
The Obama Memos — The making of a post-post-partisan Presidency.
Obama: Republicans will struggle to defend record — Or at least they would be if anyone in America was capable of remembering the Bush administration.
Space experts ground Gingrich moon plan — Sigh. I wish we had a visionary who wasn't also a venal lunatic.
How Newt Gingrich pulled this one off — Somehow—miraculously—the philandering former congressman is at the front of the Republican pack
The three big lies of Newton Leroy Gingrich — (Via David Goldman.)
Gingrich’s Constant Contempt Is His Fatal Political Flaw — It's also his strength. The politics of resentment have peculiar fascination for conservative voters, and Gingrich plays them as well as Palin or Nixon.
Romney Failed to Disclose Swiss Bank Account Income — I honestly don't think Romney's wealth should be an election issue, any more than his religion should, but in in a time when concern about income inequity and Wall Street excesses has become a major sociopolitical flashpoint, how could it not?
?otd: Friday again?
Writing time yesterday: 1.75 hour (Sunspin revisions)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Hours slept: 6.75 (solid)
Weight: 228.4
Currently reading: Scourge of the Betrayer by Jeff Salyards