Próba Kwiatów - Jay Lake — A mixed review, in Polish, of the Polish edition of my novel Trial of Flowers.
SF in SF — Just a reminder that this coming Saturday, 2/11, I will be at SF in SF with K.W. Jeter and Rudy Rucker. If you're in the Bay Area, come on down.
10 Tips on Writing from David Ogilvy — He's talking about ad copy, not fiction, but this is still interesting and worthwhile stuff. (Via Curiosity Counts.)
Kill the Local News — Writer Jeremy Tolbert on sensationalism.
Mindful Eating as Food for Thought
Scale of the Universe — Another fun take on the "powers of 10" meme. (Snurched from Steve Buchheit.)
What did people do: in a Medieval City? — (Via
Self-Cloning Seagrass May Be World's Oldest Living Thing
Mars-bound NASA rover carries coin for camera checkup — This is cool and kind of poetic.
Mapping the Road Ahead for Autonomous Cars
Turing's Enduring Importance — The path computing has taken wasn't inevitable. Even today's machines rely on a seminal insight from the scientist who cracked Nazi Germany's codes. An interesting article, although I wish in mentioning his suicide it had acknowledged the disgusting way Turing was treated by his own people.
The State of Gay Marriage — Being a handy map to show you where bigotry has triumphed, and where respect for basic human rights is gaining ground.
The Single Most Powerful Quote From California's Prop 8 Ruling — "Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California, and to officially reclassify their relationships and families as inferior to those of opposite-sex couples." Like opposition to interracial marriage forty years ago, Prop 8 is bigotry, pure and simple, a combination of narrow-minded religious privilege and typically unfounded conservative alarmism. Like opposition to interracial marriage today, forty years from now people will be ashamed to admit in public what they once voted and for and believed.
The Business Case Against Karen Handel — John Scalzi with a very sensible take on the (surprising to me) resignation of Karen Handel from the Susan G. Komen foundation. For my own part, I'll observe that as usual when the Right tries strong-arm tactics, they only see unfairness when they get caught out.
Planned Parenthood's Deep Bench — Ta-Nehisi Coates with some interesting thoughts on the fight that Komen picked when they decided to show their true conservative colors.
Why the Energy-Industrial Elite Has It In for the Planet — Social and political commentary on the funding impetus behind the intellectual fraud of climate change denial.
Jesus versus the GOP — The man from Nazareth would have been appalled by the “Christian” Republican candidates. The only thing I have to say to political Christianists is "Matthew 6:6".
‘We the People’ Loses Appeal With People Around the World — The declining influence of the US Constitution overseas.
Republicans Finally Realize They're Helping Obama — Like their counterparts from 16 years before, Republicans took control of the House of Representatives last year filled with revolutionary zeal, assuming that they could leverage their hold over one branch of Congress into sweeping changes in the national agenda. And like their predecessors, they blundered into high-profile confrontations with a Democratic president and suffered prolonged and deep damage in their public standing, with each new defeat slowly leeching the fanatical determination out of them.
Santorum Upsets G.O.P. Race With Three Victories — I really can't decide who would be the bigger disaster for this country, Senator Frothy Mix or Governor 1%. Our last Republican president set an extremely low bar for destructive incompetence, something the GOP electorate seems to have very conveniently forgotten.
?otd: How was your Tuesday?
Writing time yesterday: 2.0 hours (Sunspin revisions)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Hours slept: 8.25 (solid)
Weight: 230.8
Currently reading: n/a (between books)