Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[travel|writing] Fly away, little bird

I am in the Omaha airport, getting ready to head home to Portland. Much distracted by putting a wrap on Calamity of So Long a Life today, including the edits oh so helpfully provided by the lovely and talented [info]lizzyshannon. Also a little tight for time, so this here is all the bloggery you're getting today.

This weekend: busy with some Time Off, as well as Doing Taxes. Sunday or Monday I'll start in on Their Currents Turn Awry, Sunspin volume two, of which I already have about 60,000 words written.

Meanwhile, the airways beckon. Y'all play nice.

Tags: books, calamity, currents, omaha, portland, sunspin, travel, writing

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