Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[conventions|repost] Announcing JayCon XII

This is a repost, which I will roll forward several more times before this party in about three weeks

In celebration of my natal anniversary, JayCon XII, my 12th annual 37th birthday party, is Saturday, June 9th, 2012 from 2 to 5 pm at the Flying Pie in SE Portland. We're partying because I was born, and because I have beat cancer again and again.

If you can read this, you're invited. Prior JayCon experience not required.

Note that I am announcing this early because people always tell me, "You should have told me sooner!" Except for the people who tell me, "It's too soon, remind me later." (Sometimes these are the same people.)

Flying Pie Pizzeria
7804 SE Stark Street
Portland, 97215
(503) 254-2016
[ Google Maps ]

As is traditional for JayCon, Paul M. Carpentier is specifically not invited.

Tags: cancer, conventions, health, jaycon, personal, portland, repost

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