McMillian Sand Filtration Plant - decommissioned — Some lovely urban archaeology in the Washington, DC area. (Thanks to Dad.)
1970s fashion — Those were the days.
Mating with the wrong species: plastics make it possible — I've been on dates like that.
Varieties of Lewdness, 1795 — Um, wow? (Via a mailing list I'm on.)
3 waves from Siberia populated Americas
A striking experiment shows how you can run on quicksand — Experiment hints that our models of non-Newtonian fluids are badly off-target.
Faster Than Light — Why physics is hard.
Beirutopia: Could Lebanon's capital become a garden city? — (Via
Exxon CEO admits climate change is real but says we’ll be able to roll with it — But, but, liberal conspiracy! (And no, Eric, I'm not ignoring your last email.)
Flaccid ‘Fortnight for Freedom’ fizzles for fathers — Slacktivist Fred Clark is delightfully snarky about the latest emissions from the morally bankrupt Catholic hierarchy.
Even in worst-case scenario, conservatives look beyond 'Obamacare' — In other words, no matter what, the GOP is still throwing the underinsured, the uninsured and the high risk under the bus. How terribly Calvinistic of them.
The cruel myth of voter fraud — To understand the cruel calculus of voter ID laws, voter purges and other election law mutations one political party has turned into an obsession (second only to their fever for passing laws designed to corner women into giving birth) you have to understand what these laws would actually prevent, if they worked as advertised.
The Role of Government — A critique of American views of government.
Obama the Socialist? Not Even Close — Confidential to GOP in America: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
?otD: Is your tail balancing at half mast?
Writing time yesterday: 2.25 hours (1.25 hours on Going to Extremes outline, 1.0 hours on workshop crit)
Body movement: 60 minute suburban walk
Hours slept: 6.25 (fitful)
Weight: n/a
Currently reading: Before They Are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie