Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[food|travel] Last night's open dinner in Greensboro, NC

The open dinner last night at Stamey's Barbecue in Greensboro, NC was quite nice. We wound up with nine folks including myself. Soon-to-be Asimov's TOCmate @grayrinehart (who'd driven over from Cary, NC), longtime Internet friend [info]xjenavivex and her partner, IRL friends and cheese makers [info]icedrake and [info]katfeete and their one-year-old daughter E— (all of whom had driven down from Galax, VA), and my cousin Sheri Lake and her partner L— (who had driven up from some tiny town in SC).




The food was interesting, though not as good as I'd hoped. I had hush puppies, Brunswick stew, a plate of pork and chicken with cole slaw, and some peach cobbler for dessert. Vinegar is an overly dominant theme in Carolina barbecue. The company was excellent and a lot of fun. I grew tired, and ended things maybe a little sooner than their natural conclusion, but I think everyone went away happy and well-fed. (Cheaply, too. The prices at Stamey's are quite reasonable.) Getting checked out was mildly hilarious, because we'd all started throwing money against a group ticket, and we confused the poor cashier.

One of the things that I find very fun is going various places around the country and seeing people like this. It was neat to see my cousin, who I haven't seen in about five years, but also folks I wouldn't normally see at all, like Gray or [info]xjenavivex. And it was nice to introduce people to one another.

Plus [info]icedrake and [info]katfeete brought me some award-winning cheese from their Meadow Creek Dairy, and a cold pack so I have some hopes of getting it home in my luggage. Thanks, guys!

Photos © 2012, Joseph E. Lake, Jr.

Creative Commons License

This work by Joseph E. Lake, Jr. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Tags: cheese, family, food, friends, north carolina, photos, travel

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