Jay Lake (jaylake) wrote,
Jay Lake

[links] Link salad wishes the Child a Happy Birthday

Have you voted in the Kalimpura caption contest voting poll?

Cliff Nest> — The shadow hunters of underground Thailand. Wow.

A Space Shuttle on the Streets of Los Angeles — Cool time lapse video.

Fish Can Cloak, Become Invisible to PredatorsSilver-colored fish, such as herring, sardines and sprat, are bending the laws of physics, according to a new study published in Nature Photonics. The ability allows the fish to become invisible to predators. Ye canna' break the laws of physics, Jim.

Spa Massacre By Estranged Husband With Restraining Order — So, how many of your essential liberties did your guns defend yesterday? Were they worth these lives, too? Because that's what your guns cost every day: other people's lives. Thank god for the NRA and the Republican party: protecting the right of the angry to massacre.

Romnesia — President Obama, on fire. Romnesia, in case you missed it over the weekend. This is hilarious.

Issa defends releasing documents — This would be the same Congressman Issa who promised Congressional investigations of the Obama administration on virtually everything. Because reasons! More on the sterling qualities of this leading conservative.

Undecided Voters That Have No Business Being Undecided — I have to admit, I find the whole undecided voter phenomenon more than a bit baffling. On the other hand, I find likely Republican voters baffling, too, on the basis of logic, sheer common sense, and the GOP's actual record in office. (Look at the balance of the budget and the overall deficit the day Bush took office and compare those to the day he left, for one of the simplest and least controversial measures of the colossal failure of conservative governance and values that I can imagine.) But I suppose that's my own confirmation bias speaking.

The feedback loop catches up with Romney — Regarding Romney's constant lying. The question is: Why shouldn’t he do it? Republican-aligned media surely aren’t going to call him on it. Indeed, within the GOP political loop, there’s no one who is even going to realize that they have a basic factual thing wrong; that’s what happens when you convince yourself that the neutral press is out to get you, and you’ve trained your supporters to only pay attention to what they hear on Fox News and the Rush Limbaugh program, so you had better stay tuned to them yourself or else you won’t be able to talk the way you need to. Of course, that’s how a candidate winds up insulting half of America, because that’s what high-level party donors expect to hear. I'm old enough to remember when Republicans loudly proclaimed that "character counts". Not anymore, clearly. Or perhaps character only counts for Democrats and liberal-progressives. Especially in a post-truth world where conservatives cannot win on their ideas, and so must lie. ("I don't have time to go into that", "we'll tell you after the election", etc.)

?otD: When is your birthday?

Writing time yesterday: 2.5 hours (Sekrit Projekt, 0.25 hours revisions on "A Stranger Comes to Kalimpura")
Body movement: 0.5 hour stationary bike ride
Hours slept: 9.0 hours
Weight: 229.2
Currently reading: n/a

Tags: books, contests, cool, guns, kalimpura, links, personal, politics, polls, space, tech, thailand, videos, weird

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