British company claims biggest engine advance since the jet — A hybrid air breathing rocket, basically. Important for re-usable space planes. (Via
Leaping Into the Gesture-Control Era — Technology that accurately tracks finger motions could revolutionize desktop and mobile computing. I suspect I'll always be a keyboard dinosaur.
Experimental treatment for PTSD: Ecstasy
Man Charged With Aggravated Weirdness — Ah, Oregon.
Doubling Down on Climate Change Denial — Oh, those wacky professional climate change deniers! Once again, they’ve banded together a passel of people, 90 percent of whom aren’t even climatologists, and had them sign a nearly fact-free opinion piece in the Financial Post, claiming global warming isn’t real. It’s an astonishing example of nonsense so ridiculous I would run out of synonyms for “bilge” before adequately describing it. Climate change denialism has become as silly and intellectually untenable as evolution denialism, but with far more dangerous consequences.
Climate Negotiations falter at Doha as CO2 Emissions Push Earth toward 1400-year Storms — That would be storms that last 1,400 years, not storms that come every 1,400 years. Would that be long enough to convince a Republican we have a climate problem? I doubt it. As Upton Sinclair said, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." Or when his most cherished faith and ideology depends upon his not understanding it.
The Lesson Romney Can Teach the Republican Party — Conservative commentator Daniel Larison on Money Boo Boo's failures of character and principle.
?otD: To sleep, perchance to dream?
Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hours (chemo brain)
Hours slept: 13.0 hours (11 hours fitful plus napping)
Body movement: 0.0 hours (on chemo)
Weight: n/a (forgot to weigh)
Number of FEMA troops on my block teaching evolution to children and redistributing wealth: 0
Currently reading: Neptune's Brood by Charlie Stross